Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The infrastructure conundrum

The Indian government has long been in the endeavor to provide better infrastructure to the citizens. Though some people will like to believe that the politicians had their personal interests before others. It may be the case in a lot of cases but overall comparing the Infrastructure development the country has seen, a lot has improved in the past few decades. It used to take more than 5-6 hours for me to reach my village from my domicile. Kanpur to Etawah used to take that long on a road that was a highway and no side road. Its just 150 odd kilometers. Now I can drive there in mere 2 hours.
The power in my home used to be cut for days at length at times, now its reduced to hours. It has to be noted that the consumption of electricity has risen at an alarming rate, while the production has increased at a meager pace. As such the shortfall is expected to last for a long time.
The government is not an omnipresent god or a powerful dictator. Its made of people like us. People who are prone to desires of the heart and corruption of the mind. However, despite everything, some things have progressed beyond imagining.
As a citizen, it is very easy to blame the government, as an administrator it is very easy to blame the citizens, but as a nation we cannot find anyone else to blame than ourselves. It is our collective duty to be diligent and vigilant. The nation does not need a vigilante who can fight this battle for us, but it does need vigilant citizens who are aware of the happenings and are genuinely critical of the steps taken by government. Politicians and Bureaucrats need to be praised for good things they do and similarly criticized severely for any misdeed. But the nation's population cannot be always blaming them for every thing wrong with them. A large part of blame actually lie with us.
There would be no bribe takers if there are no bribe givers.
There would be no garbage on roads if we don't throw it at every nook and corner.
There would be no need for so high policing if people themselves are vigilant and brave in providing information.

It is easier to blame than to act and acknowledge. Be brave and acknowledge. Fulfill your duty. India deserves it. Jai Hind.

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